Trina Vierck 100 lbs.
Hugh Sieck 105 pounds
A day’s catch. Kyle & Trina Vierk, George Scocca, and Steven Luft
Trina Vierck 100 lbs.
Hugh Sieck 105 pounds
A day’s catch. Kyle & Trina Vierk, George Scocca, and Steven Luft
Bryce Camichael 30 pounds
Kyle Vierck 22 pounds
Steven Luft 25 pounds
Trina Vierck 23 pounds
Derek Brazinskas 100 pounds
Josh Serrick 103 pounds
Kyle Vierck 103 pounds
Tanaku Lodge is now closed for the season. A special thank you to everyone who joined this last season.
We are reserving great fishing spots for the 2015 season and hope you will be a part of the action.
Dennis & Jim